1 September 2010

Happy Birthday to Siobhan!!

A Happy 26th to the theatre star! The day snuck up on me! I usually like to spend the day geeking out to Maria songs and re-watching performances. I didn't even have time to make a slightly cool graphic! I had to move house once again, back for another year at University. Should be interesting!

Well I hope I have more time to update more often now that I'm back at school. I probably said the same thing about being home for the summer. Oh well, I've known for a long time I'm terrible at updating this but I'm trying my best!

According to twitter she's in LA right now ....or New York. Well anyways I bet she celebrated her day in style! I hope she had a nice time, maybe we'll see photos of her travels to the states!

I'll be back tomorrow with the big news everyone should already know about but I'm falling asleep as a type! Have a good night:))

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