8 September 2009

Bits and Bobs!

It's almost been a week since Siobhan has debuted as Sally Bowles in Birmingham and over the web there have been a few reviews I've scouted out (or should I say have been sent!) So I will have those up for you later on today.

For now there's just a couple pictures to tide you over with!

Here below is a larger version of the Sally Bowles promotional picture.

A couple more pics with Darren from Dancing with the Stars.

And here is a really cool piece of fanart made by Howard Shum. Right away I could tell it was her which makes it even better.

Here's his excerpt "Had it been up to me, I would have chosen Siobhan Dillon to win "How Do You Solve a Problem Like Maria?" but alas, the world has yet to succumb and do as I wish. Oh, well, here's her consolation prize, a drawing by me."

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